
Tobacco Curing Tunnels

Tobacco Curing Tunnels for Efficient Tobacco Curing

Looking for an efficient and reliable solution for tobacco curing? Tobacco curing tunnels have become a highly trusted method in the agricultural industry, particularly for operations looking to maximise the quality and consistency of their cured tobacco. Known for their precision and efficiency, these tunnels are a staple for both small and large-scale tobacco producers.

At Roc Systems, we specialise in designing, manufacturing, and installing custom tobacco curing tunnels tailored to your unique requirements. With a range of capacities and configurations, we provide flexible solutions that optimise your curing process.

Why Choose Tobacco Curing Tunnel?

  • Consistency: The controlled environment of a curing tunnel ensures uniform drying, reducing variability in the quality of the cured tobacco.
  • Speed: The automated process can significantly reduce the curing time compared to traditional methods, which may take several weeks to complete.
  • Efficiency: The use of mechanisation and automation reduces the need for manual labour, lowering overall production costs.
  • Quality: The precise control over the curing process helps in developing specific flavours and characteristics in the tobacco, improving its overall quality.
  • Reduced Losses: Controlled conditions minimise the risk of spoilage due to mould or over-drying, which can often be an issue in traditional air and sun-curing methods.

Your Partner in Tobacco Curing

With over a decade of experience, Roc Systems delivers tobacco curing solutions that maximize performance while minimizing the costs. Contact us today to discuss your tobacco curing needs and discover how we can help you achieve efficient, cost-effective operations.

Unique Trolleys

Our trolleys have wider tier spacing than the normal trolley - in line with the tobacco handbook. This allows for better trolley loading. Typically you can expect a trolley to hold between 7,500 to 9,000 leaves depending on the leaf size.

Heat Exhangers

Our tunnels incorporate a large surface area on the heat exchanger to ensure maximum redundancy and low steel temperatures. Our H.E unit is reversible, so when the hot-end shows signs of ageing, reversing it will extend the lifespan.

Practical Trailers

We supply 6m steel decked, 2 wheel trailers with each tunnel (2 or 3 depending on the tunnel size). They have a low centre of gravity and carry 2 trolleys at a time. The rails can easily be removed, leaving you with a versatile farm trailer outside of the reaping period.

Sizes Of Tobacco Curing Tunnels

2 leaves/week on a 4,500kg crop (25g/leaf),
150 clips/trolley x 60 leaves/clip ROC talita clip x 5 trolleys/day = 45,000 leaves/day
. Expected output 10 trolleys/day on strips on a 6 day cure, 1,000kgs/day plus.
With a shuffling bay and Digital weighbridge
Max power 18kVA, Expected consumption "<"0.7kg of coal/1kg tobacco cured.
35,000cfm of air at 75˚C.

2 leaves/week on a 4,500kg crop (25g/leaf),
150 clips/trolley x 60 leaves/clip ROC talita clip x 10 trolleys/day = 90,000 leaves/day
. Expected output 10 trolleys/day on strips on a 6 day cure, 2,000kgs/day plus.
With a shuffling bay and Digital weighbridge
Max power 18kVA, Expected consumption "<"0.7kg of coal/1kg tobacco cured.
35,000cfm of air at 75˚C.

2 leaves/week on a 4,500kg crop (25g/leaf),
150 clips/trolley x 60 leaves/clips ROC talita clip x 14 trolleys/day = 126,000 leaves/day.
Expected output 14 trolleys/day on strips on a 6 day cure, 2,800kgs/day plus.
With a shuffling bay and Digital weighbridge.
Max power 20kVA, Expected consumption "<"0.7kg of coal/1kg tobacco cured.
33,000cfm of air at 75˚C.

2 leaves/week on a 4,500kg crop (25g/leaf),
150 clips/trolley x 60 leaves/clips ROC talita clip x 16 trolleys/day = 144,000 leaves/day.
Expected output 16 trolleys/day on strips on a 6 day cure, 3,200kgs/day plus.
With a shuffling bay, White Chromadeck ceiling and Electronic wet bulb control.
Max power 20kVA, Expected consumption "<"0.7kg of coal/1kg tobacco cured.
68,000cfm of air at 75˚C.
Can be Extended to a 60ha Tunnel

2 leaves/week on a 4,500kg crop (25g/leaf),
150 clips/trolley x 60 leaves/clip ROC talita clip x 18 trolleys/day = 162,000 leaves/day.
Expected output 18 trolleys/day on strips on a 6 day cure, 3,600kgs/day plus.
With a shuffling bay, White Chromadeck ceiling and Electronic wet bulb control.
Max power 20kVA, Expected consumption "<"0.7kg of coal/1kg tobacco cured.
68,000cfm of air at 75˚C.
Can be Extended to a 60ha Tunnel

2 leaves/week on a 4,500kg crop (25g/leaf),
150 clips/trolley x 60 leaves/clip ROC talita clip x 22 trolleys/day = 198,000 leaves/day.
Expected output 22 trolleys/day on strips on a 6 day cure, 3,600kgs/day plus.
With a shuffling bay, White Chromadeck ceiling and Electronic wet bulb control.
Max power 20kVA, Expected consumption "<"0.7kg of coal/1kg tobacco cured.
68,000cfm of air at 75˚C.
Can be Extended to a 60ha Tunnel

2 leaves/week on a 4,500kg crop (25g/leaf),
150 clips/trolley x 60 leaves/clip ROC talita clip x 27 trolleys/day = 243,000leaves/day.
Expected output 22 trolleys/day on strips on a 6 day cure, 5,400kgs/day plus .
With a shuffling bay, White Chromadeck ceiling and Electronic wet bulb control
Max power 27kVA. Expected consumption "<"0.7kg of coal/1kg tobacco cured.
78,000cfm of air at 75˚C.
Can be extended to a 70ha Tunnel.

2 leaves/week on a 4,500kg crop (25g/leaf),
150 clips/trolley x 60 leaves/clip ROC talita clip x 32 trolleys/day = 288,000 leaves/day.
Expected output 32 trolleys/day on strips on a 6 day cure, 6,400kgs/day plus.
With a shuffling bay, White Chromadeck ceiling and Electronic wet bulb control
Max power 27kVA. Expected consumption "<"0.7kg of coal/1kg tobacco cured.
78,000cfm of air at 75˚C.


Innovation on Tobacco
curing tunnels