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Welcome to ROC Systems

A warm welcome awaits you at ROC Systems in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe

Roc Systems philosophy has been to improve every aspect of the tobacco curing process. In our flagship product, the Super Ecotunnel, this is reflected by increased operational efficiency and significant cost reductions.

Our systems are designed to be highly versatile in application. Our industry reach has the potential to extend well beyond tobacco. For example, the ROC Systems heating system could be adapted for commercial use in dryers for grain, coffee, onions, seed maize, macadamias and paprika.

Owners Image

More Efficient Lower Costs

Our business was founded by Rob Stokes, who has dedicated a significant amount of time to design and test all the products that we offer.

ROC Systems has a large number of products to offer, including 8 sizes of tobacco curing tunnels, heat exchanger units, weight bridges, tabacco trollies and more.

We are still actively involved in Tobacco farming. We have our own farming division that grows an annual 80 Ha crop. We have built a RS60 SUPER ECOTUNNEL and 64 meter x 24 meter Grading Shed on our premises in Chinhoyi and are actively curing our own crop using our own technology. We are actively utilising this research & development to make a better product, because we've used most of the curing units out there and know how to improve it.

Contact us for more information.


Innovation on Tobacco
curing tunnels